These are pictures from the first day of school and orientation with the children's second and fifth teachers. We feel truly blessed with the teachers we have been given. Savanna's teacher Mrs. D. was actually Brian's 5th grade teacher 26 years ago!!! He has always told me she was his favorite teacher of all time. We NEVER in a million years would have guessed that our children would have the opportunity to have her as a teacher ~ especially since Brian went to a different elementary school than our children go to now.
We are now about a month into school and have found out some very sad news this week. Due to student/teacher ratio numbers, our beloved Mrs. D. is being "bumped" from her 5th grade teaching position at our school and another teacher has been assigned in her place. Fortunately, we already know and love the new teacher that is coming in, but our hearts are still so sad to lose Mrs. D. Savanna has shed many tears. This has been a difficult transition to say the least. I lost several hours of sleep the other night after putting Savanna to bed. She was in tears and filled with anxiety over what the next day would bring with a new teacher. I spent the awake hours that night between midnight and 3am in a deep and sweet conversation with the Lord. I prayed for Savanna, the other children, the old teacher, the new teacher, etc... the list goes on and on. The Lord gave me a sweet peace and comforted my "mommy's heart" that all would be well.
But something occurred to me the next morning on our way to school. I kept looking at Savanna and measuring every expression on her face to make sure she was "okay". It was then that I realized that there is really nothing I can do to make this better. I didn't see it coming, had no choice in the matter, and there is nothing I could do to change it. Although this is upsetting to our little happy home, in the BIG spectrum of traumatic childhood experiences, I do realize this is barely a blip on the radar in comparison to things such as divorce. Which brings me back to my great revelation. We have 2 separate friends who are in the process of leaving their spouses right now because they are simply "not happy" anymore. Now we are talking about Christian families that have children involved, and they are making the CHOICE to allow this terrible hurt into their children's lives?! I don't understand how a parent could intentionally make such a SELFISH choice and give themselves permission to act on those feelings. I would have done anything I could to have taken this minor hurt away from Savanna.
Please pray for those families that are hurting right now, and especially for the precious children whose entire world is being rocked right now by divorce. Show your children how much you love your spouse - it is one of the sweetest gifts you can give them. Thank you dear friends!
So sorry that sweet Savanna had to go through a transition so early in the year. I hope that she is adjusting well. Isn't the Lord sweet to always bring us a little perspective when we are in the middle of our own pity party? I will pray for your friends and their families!