We got to the mall a bit too early for Santa so Dede offered to treat the kids to some bungee jumping fun!

These bungee jumpers looked like SO much fun we just couldn't resist! You could hear the kids giggle with glee all over the mall. Since we were there so early, there was a ton of Senior Citizen Mall Walkers that were there doing their morning exercises that would stop and watch the children. It was very sweet to watch them vicariously enjoying this fun experience through the kids.

I love the fact that before Savanna even started jumping and having fun, she turned to pose for the camera. I have her trained so well!

Savanna tried and tried to do a back flip. She would get about halfway over and then sort of jerk herself back into an upright position.

Bless her little soul, she has always been my cautious child who tends to overthink everything and weigh the potential dangers. Even as a baby, she didn't walk until she was 15 months old, but she NEVER fell down! It was like she wanted to master her balance first to avoid injury.

When she finally made it all the way over, we all erupted in cheers for her!

Mr. "NO FEAR" on the other hand made it look so ridiculously easy. In fact, he looked like he belonged in the circus.

Keep in mind...he was my baby that hardly walked...he only ran and fell, ran and fell ~ and this was at 9 months of age! It's a wonder nobody ever accused us of child abuse with the amount of bruises he has sported!
I don't think he has any fear of physical injury ~ that is SCARY!

This looked like so much fun that I half-way considered doing it myself until I realized that they WEIGH YOU so they can calibrate the correct amount of bungee cords according to your weight. I am sorry... but there is NO amount of fun that could entice me to be weighed PUBLICLY! UGH!!!
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