Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God Goggles

I am increasingly aware that the majority of issues that people have with others are a result of poor communication. Through a series of events that have occurred around me this week ~ none of which really involved me, but I did have front row seats for several separate events ~ I have been reminded about the importance of effectively communicating our heart with others. I remember when we first married, there were several occassions when Brian's very direct way of speaking really wounded my overly sensitive heart. I knew him well enough to know that his intention was never to hurt me, but I also was aware that he needed to be told the way I felt as well. I can remember saying "I don't know what you just MEANT to say to me, but what it FELT like you said was...." Fortunately, we have learned to hear each other's heart and translate accordingly.

I had the pleasure of attending a DISC personality seminar about 5 years ago at a Christian Educators Conference. It helped me better understand the way I am 'wired' and the way those I work with, live with, worship with, teach, etc... are wired as well. It is almost as if something gets lost in translation when differing personality types are communicating with one another.

It really is a most perplexing phenomena when you think about it.

But what's even more amazing, is that the Lord can see past all of our outward communication, past our akwardly worded conversations, past our differing personality profiles.

His eyes can penetrate our soul and see right to our heart!

My new prayer for myself and those around me is that the Lord would give us "God Goggles" to see others the way only He truly can. Would it change the way you responded if you saw the heart of someone with a sharp tongue as someone who themselves was hurting on the inside?

Would it make you re-evaluate the way you thought of someone if you knew the burdens on their heart?

I know it would for me.

1 comment:

  1. wow, Girl....totally needed to hear this one. I love you bunches and miss you just as much. Hope you all are doing well.
