Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Extraordinary-Women Conference

We had a group of about 30 lovely ladies meet us at the Civic Center for the E-Women's Conference. We didn't have assigned seats and we were all meeting there after work/school, but we all wanted to sit together. Unsure whether or not our cell phones would work in the building, I told everyone I would wear my BRIGHT ORANGE sweater so they could spot me in the crowd.
Would you believe they all found us!
I would highly recommend buying the loudest, tackiest sweater you could find for an occassion such as this! It really came in handy!
I was super excited about some of our YOUNG women joining the ranks at the E-Women Conference for the first time.
We weren't suppossed to bring any outside food into the building.
But my mom managed to smuggle some contraband in her purse! gasp!

Good thing none of the speakers spoke on decietfulness or walking in the light of the law, we might have felt so much conviction we would have had to throw ourselves along with our hidden sugar snaps, cheese sticks, and almonds on the altar!
Actually, we were ready to throw Savanna's hypoglocemia card on the table if we needed to.
This really is a dumb rule if you ask me considering that the only foods that were offered were hot dogs, nachos, and giant doughy pretzels.
Anybody been watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution?
He would have had a fit!
And honestly, it really is impossible for those of us with blood sugar issues.

All that aside, it was amazing having my mom on one side of me and my daughter on the other. What a precious time of worship and praise!
I loved glancing over at Savanna's little notepad and seeing what she was recording.

The girls paraded around in their matching hats. When they were asked if they were sisters, Savanna's immediate response was "IN CHRIST!"
It was such a wonderful time with some of my most favorite girlfriends in the world!
Savanna had it right ~ we ARE sisters ~ IN CHRIST!

Loved watching some of our young ladies rock out the worship time with Mandisa and light up the night with their cell phones!
Savanna was beyond belief excited to get her copy of "HIS PRINCESS ~ Love Letters From Your King" signed by the author and former Mrs. America, Sherri Rose Shepherd.
If you have a special young lady in your life, this book is a MUST!
My sweet friend Crystal told us about it last year and it is definitely one of our favs!
In fact, we picked up her newest book for girls and her Warrior Prince book for young boys.
I was tickled to death to get this picture of my dear friend Sherry with Chondra Pierce. Sherry is MY Chondra. She makes me laugh til I cry! Sometimes our Sunday School get-togethers turn into a Sherry stand up rountine. I was so excited that they actually got to meet.
I learned and grew so much this weekend. I told Brian I felt like my spiritual batteries got recharged. I had sort of felt like I was running on empty lately and this was just what my spirit needed. I have already reserved our tickets for next year!
Let me know if you want to join us ~ I promise you won't regret it!

1 comment:

  1. I want to go!!!!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time!
